Alexander Aizenshtat

For some it may be hard to believe that an Orthodox Jew would be devoted to painting images. “Isn’t that forbidden?” Conventional wisdom holds that Judaism is suspicious or even hostile to the visual arts due to the Second Commandment’s prohibition on creating “graven images”. Aizenshtat’s paintings help undermine this popular but misguided notion.

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Serge Charchoune: “The Early Years”

For over six decades, Charchoune painted and wrote incessantly. In the 1920s, Charchoune delved into many avant-garde movements – Constructivism, Cubism, Futurism, Purism, Dada, etc. Part of Charhoune’s power is tha the would adapt to different styles but attach to none. Like flowing water, his painting practice was in perpetual flux.

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Josette Rispal: “Chiffonnettes”

Rispal’s is not an art that asks to be read or analyzed with the frontal brain; rather it is evidence of divinely inspired creativity generously offered to the world as an experience of the purely sacred, a universal sacred not tainted by any particular religion but simply the lovely life force imbued within the mundane material world.

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Marcos Carrasquer: “Nobody’s Dead”

Carrasquer reminds humanity to remember itself, to remember that it is in possession of life; even if that also means remembering the horrors that humanity has committed because this too is part of its story. History is corpulently manifested in his work, lending it a weight more voluptuous than its shadowy nature.

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Success StoriesThe Coast Kit
Li Tianbing: “Bing Bang”

Li Tianbing liberates painting by opening himself up to the infinite number of ways to paint. He is a post-contemporary painter because he abandons traditional notions about painting and considers what the medium of painting means in today’s world where we have digital media producing art.

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